Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why I Blog

Why blogging? According to one source, in 2008, there were 184 million blogs! Seriously? Wow! Naturally they cover the full spectrum of life's many oddities, events, and stories. Many are dedicated to sharing family adventures. Others detail the latest trends in fashion and food. Mine is just some of my random ramblings. 

So why have I chosen to add my voice to the million's of others? Well don't we all have a voice to share? Haven't we all been blessed with so much? Look, I don't pretend to be all wise and all knowing. I'm humble enough to admit I don't have all the answers-at least not all the right answers. Heck sometimes I don't have any of the answers. Nor am I of the belief that somehow my words will change the lives of millions. They don't need to. These musings are as much for me as anyone, but they are also my way of acknowledging all that God has blessed me with. If my thoughts aid even one person into improving their life, whether I ever find out or not, then that which I have been blessed with is now blessing others. And the glory be God's!

But you know, I just mentioned that my words won't necessarily change or affect the lives of millions. Well, maybe I mispoke a bit. Have you ever seen that commercial or video where one person tells two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and . . . resulting in many lives being affected (hopefully for the better)? When we share God's gifts with others the effects can be immeasurable. Especially when we have a compelling story to share or experience others can relate to or rally around. A prime is example would be my friend Michelle and her blog about the loss of her child and the growth she's experienced as a result. I've shared this link before but I want to link it again.

We all have a story to tell and a voice to share. Are you ready to share yours?

1 comment:

Shelly Geller said...

I like it;-)! Thanks Matt!