Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Lover of Memories, A Lover of Life

I've been writing a lot lately. More than I ever thought I would and I'm really enjoying it. But this entry isn't about me. Nor should it be. No I want to recognize two incredible spirits who are touching the lives of many for good. One I've met. And while with the other I never had that privilege, I have no doubt he is just as amazing. So be prepared to be inspired, to come away a happier, better, more complete person. But also be forewarned, you'll need some tissues on hand.
Michelle is a photographer. She is a triathlete. She is the mother to three children. She is also a daughter of God. On April 20, 2006, everything she is was pushed, was tested, was challenged.

That day was otherwise uneventful. Then everything changed, including her very being. Her nearly 2-year old James was leaning against a window when the screen suddenly gave way. James' fall resulted in traumatic head injuries and sadly her sweet angel didn't survive. With his passing, storm clouds gathered and sunshine failed. . . but then her fight kicked in; she fought back for James and for herself. Nearly six years later, Michelle's love for her little son grows stronger and stronger and deeper.

And while she doesn't ask for pity, she faces this tragedy with courage and resiliency. Mourning his loss, she recognizes the blessings that have come. She is an example to us all.

James returned to his Heavenly home, but his special eternal spirit lives on in his mother's heart. He's her guardian angel. And this story continues . . .

Michelle has channeled some of her grief and joy, as well as her life lessons into an inspiring and beautifully written blog. I've been reading Michelle's choice words for the past month. I look forward to each new entry. Others do as well; many of them strangers. From these posts, she shares her joys and tears. She lovingly teaches how to live with grief, but find happiness. She infuses an honest heart and soul into her messages. And in the process, she has found herself. She now invites others to do the same.

It was my privilege and fortune to share lunch with Michelle recently. In a day and age when so much seems so wrong with the world, this incredibly fun, spiritual woman represents so much about what is still so good today. She stands tall when staying down would have been much easier. Emerging from this horrific day, Michelle continues to praise her Heavenly Father and personifies a lover of life, a lover of memories. There were many things we shared during lunch. Some are too personal to share, but one I feel is quite special and one Michelle shares with her clients: "While not everyone is going to lose their child to death like I did, everyone will lose their child to time." To that end, and to honor James, Michelle pours her heart, her soul, her everything into her blog and her amazing photography: 
       "These images, these pictures, are far more valuable than you will ever dream, until you stare at them 20 years down the road. These, are one thing in life that will never depreciate with time. They only become more valuable the older they become. Invest in your memories, you never know how valuable they will become. This is why I love my job, this is why I do it. I give to you, what I wish I could give to myself." Take a moment and visit her photography blog too!

As much as this entry and her blog are about Michelle, it's also about her precious baby James. To forget him, or any loved one we may have lost to death, is to lose a part of ourselves. While too few were blessed by his tender spirit while he lived, so many more are being blessed by James and his sweet mamma now. Maybe the worth of a soul should also be measured in the lives changed after we have lived our own. 

There are many reasons to read Michelle's words, and I've found mine; discover who you are and ". . . come to love yourself too by reading" her blog. 


Michelle Arnett said...

So beautifully written Matt. Thank you so much. I love how you posted "while too few were blessed by his spirit while he lived so many more are being blessed by james..."It's why I do what I that he is not here to leave his own legacy, I get to do it for him through things he has taught me. Thank you Matt.

Jack Andrews said...

Amen. She writes straight from the heart. Undiluted. Unfiltered. Unrestrained. What a gift. I thank God she's willing to share. Thanks for your heartfelt, inspiring tribute.

M.B.G . . . said...

You are so welcome Michelle!