Monday, February 6, 2012

My Makeover - an Investment in Me!

I shy away from that word: Makeover. It conjures up images of women receiving new hairdos, picking new outfits, and new makeup choices. There's nothing wrong with that, but being a man none of that interests me, outside of the fact that I love women. Instead I think I'll go with SELF-INVESTMENT.

Let me tell about my makeover or my Self-Investment project, one that is still ongoing. But first note, this isn't about how great I am. Rather I hope this entry can be used to inspire everyone to humbly invest in themselves; to recognize their own greatness and self worth, to share their blessings with others, and to then acknowledge God's hand in all things. 

Now I've blogged a bit about some of this already, but I haven't always loved my physique. I've always been tall, and I love that. But my 8 lbs of baby fat didn't stay with me long. So growing up I was skinny. Not just thin, but skinny - to the tune of 6'4" and 135 lbs post mission. And I've heard all the names, and probably thought up a few of my own.

Regardless, with age and time, I am beginning to see the weight come on. Fortunately for me, the weight isn't the undesirable weight that so many dread - well there has been a little in the mid section, but I've got that under control. But aside from this "aged" weight, I've been putting in the hours at the gym and eating healthy to guarantee this new weight remains good weight. I love the gym and working out at home. It feels good. It's invigorating and I'm loving the results. But in addition to the physical health I'm enjoying, I feel healthier and stronger mentally and emotionally. More stable in all facets of my health.

I don't want to give weight training and eating healthy all the credit. But they certainly deserve much of it. No, I made the choice, the decision that I matter and I should matter to someone. I know I matter to the Lord. Now I want to matter to a future wife. I want to matter to future children. I want to matter more to everyone. So whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, succeed in school, improve social relations, whatever change you want to see in your life, begin by investing in yourself. As you do, you will begin to see some amazing side benefits.

Here are some of the positive side benefits of my SELF-INVESTMENT:
  • I now control my own happiness. I'm not going to allow someone or something to affect what makes me happy. Sure people in my life definitely motivate me, encourage me, or bring me happiness. But it is still a choice whether or not those aspects of my life truly make me happy. Still, I will surround myself with these happy sources, even greatness, and I eliminate those elements that attempt to bring me down. I choose to be happy.
  • I care so much more about my appearance now than I did before. When what you see in the mirror isn't what you want to see, some aspects of your life don't receive the attention they need. In fact, they begin to atrophy. Now in this case, it was how I dressed. I don't want anyone to get the impression I was some sort of under the bridge ogre, van down by the river living grunt, or Belle's beast. I just didn't care about clothes. I was the kid on Christmas day who tossed the dress socks. But I also tossed the jeans, the knit shirts, the slacks, the sweaters, basically anything related to clothing. Check this out. Over a year ago this was my work attire: khaki pants, big black "dress" shoes, nice long sleeved shirts, and white socks. Oh yeah. White socks. Loving that image now, huh? I spent two years complaining about how the Swiss wore white socks with their dress clothes. Egad! Now not only have I tossed the white socks, the khakis (mostly) and the big black "dress" shoes, but I have purchased new dress shoes, classy looking cowboy boots, new slacks, and I even bought lots of black dress socks. And I hate socks. But now I look good and I feel good. Oh an I nearly forgot, I am also getting my dead, yellow tooth veneered. This was from a bike accident many years ago. 
  • I desire to keep a cleaner living space. I've never been a slob. Well compared to some, maybe; but compared to most, no. That said, I had room for improvement. It's amazing what renewed, restored self confidence can do to motivate a person to improve in all things. I love knowing I have a clean, made bed to sleep in. I appreciate spot free, clutter free carpet. A odor free bathroom, or as close to one as possible; love it. And it spreads from there. I clean my car weekly. I love how it glimmers in the sun. I even bought a deodorizer for my car. I refuse to become anal about all this though. While I recognize this clean attitude is important, I also acknowledge the need to relax and not sweat the small things.
  • Speaking of sweating the small things, and in connection with my controlling my own happiness, I won't get worked up when things are out of my control. I know who I am and I know what I want. I am a good person, doing my best in all things. If I "fail" but I've given it my all and done the best I can, so be it. I'll keep trying of course. But if something doesn't go as I like, or someone doesn't agree or act as I would hope they would, not a problem. But I will not be a pushover either. I've been there. Won't do it anymore. 
  • I do things now, when I think of them. I used to, well we'll call it procrastinate. I called it "waiting for a more convenient time. But, yea, it was procrastination. How much did I miss "waiting for a more convenient time?" How much more could I have done? More people helped? More learned? One of the greatest blessings and rewards of doing things now? The people in your life. People should not be procrastinated away. Especially those most important to you. 
  • I won't do things merely to please other people, a fine example of manipulation at work. And any changes I make in my life will be permanent, because they are what should be included in my life, and again, will not be only to please someone or get what I want from them. These attempts are not lasting and often not genuine. Be inspired by someone. Use their example as motivation. But if you are changing your life only because they are in your life, be careful. What happens so often is, once they are gone, gone too are the changes in your life. I see this in dating relationships especially. A guy (usually) will work his butt off to "get" the girl, only to slink back to old ways and habits once he "has" her. Make it last and make it you. Do it because you want to. And especially don't do it because you think they want you to. It will never be you. 
  • My spiritual side has improved. I've always been active in the church and I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But as with others facets of my life, I was doing "enough" to get by. I was a Sunday morning lesson planner. Often I had the manual on my lap in Sacrament Meeting, still prepping. I was in some ways going through the motions, back lacking any real emotion. I now feel a new power emerging within me that is taking over.
  • I won't allow myself to be intimidated by anyone or anything. Is there anything I cannot do? Well the answer is actually yes. People say they can do anything, but that isn't true. For example, I cannot be 16 again. But I can feel 16 again (not sure I want to though). I cannot dunk on an 11-foot basket without the aid of something. It's just not in my genetics, no matter how hard I work at it. But I can still try. 
  • My finances are taking more importance. I'm considering getting my Masters Degree now. I am looking at ways to improve my status at work. I see ways to improve the organization without kissing-up or brown nosing. I spend on what I need, but still find time to reward myself or show a date I appreciate her company (but not to excess). I'm preparing for the future, whatever it may bring.
The best and rest is still to come! Stay tuned . . .

Be Good!

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