Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fortune Cookie No. 4

This week's Fortune Cookie Fortune:
You are One of Those Who Will "Go Places in Life"

This is a nice fortune of course, but my first question is, why is Go Places in Life in quotations? Seriously, what does that mean?!

And when it says, Will "Go Places in Life" does this exclude places I've been to once before? In other words, does this adventure begin as soon as I open the fortune cookie? Or did the journey begin at birth?

I do wish the fortune was a bit more specific as to where these places are. I lived in Switzerland for two years, but again that is past tense. I haven't been to Disneyland for a while and it's the happiest place on Earth. I've also never visited Tonga or Samoa and I've always wanted to see the islands. And throw in Paris, Moscow, Rome, Madrid, Venice, nope, nope, nope, and nope - never been, wanna go. Of course I haven't been to Paris, Idaho; Moscow, Texas; Rome, Georgia; Madrid, New Mexico; or Venice, Florida either and by definition those are places too.

In addition to Switzerland, I have also been to Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, and Pocatello, among others. So whether or not these places are referenced in the fortune, the world is so so vast, with so many amazing places to see and visit, someplace new would be nice. Choices.

Also, are these Places predetermined? I mean do I have a choice in where I go and whether I want to go in the first place?

Now I am glad that Places is plural. It would be quite depressing if the fortune read You Will Go somePlace in Life. I think I've been there before anyhow. Not sure I'd go back though.

Hmm, this fortune is creating more questions than answers. I guess a few more would be, will I know these Places when I get there? Will I go alone? Should I pack anything?

Ok, in the end maybe by "Places in Life" the fortune is referring to non-geographical places. Kind of like, we can all go far in life (as far as we choose), but Places in this case isn't a reference to physical geographical locales, with a literal measurable distance in mileage or elevations. Or places with hotels and visitor centers, with long drives in the back of station wagon. No, I'm taking the "Go Places in Life" to mean where I go, when I get there, and how I make my journey in life is entirely up to me. I think it means to surround myself with incredible people and share with them my life story as I learn from theirs. I'm understanding it to mean, to challenge myself to reach new heights and to go the extra mile. Maybe the fortune is saying to complain less, laugh louder, and to become a stronger, better person than I've yet attained. I set my and conquer my own limits. It's all up to me.

So yes, I believe the fortune's promise of being One of Those Who Will "Go Places in Life" is referring to the goals I'll accomplish, people I'll meet, lives (including my own) I'll affect for good, and the things I'll learn, even if they happen in Zurich, Kansas; Lebanon, Pennsylvania;  or Athens, Wisconsin.

And maybe the only souvenirs I'll bring home with me will be worth more than any snow globe, t-shirt, or key chain. I'll be sure to send a postcard though!

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