Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Standing Outside Your Bubble

We all have those days and weeks, even months when batteries need a recharge; where a vacation is long overdue - those Groundhog Day moments. Minutes, hours and days, when, despite our greatest efforts and desires, life just seems to be lacking a certain excitement.

By genetic disposition, we are creatures of habit. We find safety and happiness following routines and predictable patterns. Comfort zones are certainly comfortable, but do we truly
live bubbled up withing their confines? While such approaches to life might provide an element of security, we rarely experience any true challenge or find room for growth. If we are here to experience joy, happiness, and growth, should we not incorporate some excitement as well?

I recall the overwhelming feeling of monotony and repetition weighing me down during the 10th month of my mission to Switzerland. Every day was the same: arise, shower, breakfast, study, tracting, street contacting, call backs, lunch, tracting, street contacting, dinner, bed. Of course there was the occasional dinner appointment and discussion to be taught. But on the whole, each day was lacking any real excitement. While Swiss Winters aren’t horrible we did not see the sun for about two months. Now I loved my mission and came home with so much more than I left with. However, all this frustration came to a head one December morning. During this moment, some choice words of the Prophet Joseph Smith came to mind: “If you kept your bow constantly tied and string taut, your bow would lose its spring.” In other words, if you don’t take a break and rest now and then, you won’t be near as productive and efficient as you could be. So have a little fun. Do something different. 

So while not working was not an option, we decided to mix up the morning routine. We chose to change cooking habits. New unique, but effective directions were chosen to get from place to place. Study patterns changed. While we didn’t experience any amazing results, we did see one: our attitudes changed.

Lately I have felt a bit flat. That something is missing and that each day is a carbon copy of the one before. As such I have decided to incorporate some of the following (I will add to these as I uncover them). Now this isn't about doing opposites. It's about doing things differently than normally done. Breaking out of the routine of daily life. Life should be exciting and adventurous, even during the most mundane and simple moments:
  • Rearrange your bedroom, aka: feng shui.
  • As part of the above rearrangement, turn the hangers around in your closet.
  • Wake up five minutes earlier (or more preferably 5 minutes later).
  • Take a longer/shorter/more scenic route, etc. to get to work or play.
  • Try new foods or try old foods. Fast one day.
  • Sleep in a sleeping bag on your bed.
  • Buy a goldfish or even goldfishes.
  • Try and do something hard or challenging.
  • Eat breakfast first then shower or the other way around. Or take a bath.
  • Try doing things left-handed
  • Take a cold shower instead of a hot one. 
  • Get off the couch and Turn The TV OFF! 
  • Go on a hike.
  • Say hello to someone you might be interested in . . .  instead of avoiding them.
  • If always a follower, become a leader. Maybe leaders are born, not made - prove them wrong.
  • Barbecue during the winter months. I rarely need a reason to grill a steak.
  • Call a do over, ask for a mulligan, hit reset. In other words, try again or try some more. Keep on trying! Even try anything!
  • Take a chance! Risk it! 
Be Good!

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