Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Self Improvement . . .

Let's see, where to being? I haven't blogged in about three years, but I recently came across a blog that really inspired me (shout out to kellyolivia). So one might wonder (if anyone is reading this blog and knew I had a previous blog) what happened to my old blog? To which I might reply, "That is a good question." That blog fell victim to disinterest, loss of time, and a new computer. I tried to retrieve it, but the powers that be have some interesting requirements to reclaim lost blogs. So here we go again.
Today I was pondering whether or not I wanted to blog again. Clearly the answer is . . . maybe. At least one entry to start with. After deciding I would at least give it a try, I next needed something to write about. As I sat pondering the topic, it occurred to me that I am trying to be more positive in life; looking for areas of improvement. And lists seem to be really popular. So this blog's entry, as you may have already read is: "Self Improvement." Clever? No, probably not. Effective? Maybe. Oh, and this list actually started as, "I Want . . ." but I felt it was neither positive nor direct enough. Then it morphed into "I will" which is fitting, but I didn't care for that title much. We'll see how long this new title remains . . .
  1. I will no longer say, "I don't care" especially when and if I do care about something important. If something bothers me, I will do something about it. If I agree or disagree with an idea or if I have an opinion, I will express it. But I will pick my battles and be open to other thoughts and attitudes. And I will accept the fact that it is okay to be wrong - I don't have the market cornered on being right. That said, I also won't interject my thoughts when not warranted or solicited. 
  2. I will demand 100% honesty from myself! And I will actually live this goal. Enough said.
  3. I'll express any unhappy feelings and emotions, but I will not dwell on them. And I will not drag anyone down with me. Even if they choose to become a part of the problem or the solution. I will not sap the energy of others or be a drain on their happiness.
  4. I will compliment people when in the moment. Not later when it no longer matters or is of benefit to the individual.
  5. I will man-up and be the man I want to be, but more importantly, I will be the man a future wife and children need me to be. And even more importantly, I will be the man the Lord expects me to be.
  6. I will say "I know" instead of "I believe" when it applies and it usually applies - especially regarding my testimony.
  7. I will expect perfection from myself, but still recognize that is alright to come short.
  8. I will be more tolerant of others. But I don't like the word tolerance-to me it is temporary. It isn't lasting. Tolerance is merely something we practice only when forced to. Once that person or idea is no longer relevant, we resort back to old habits or notions.
  9. I will challenge myself to do that which is challenging. Yes, I purposefully chose to use the word challenge twice. In other words, I choose to do hard things.
  10. I will use the phrase "I am sorry" when apologizing; not the weaker "I'm sorry" or the heart-lacking "sorry." Of course I will try to avoid offending anyone. But in as much as some look to be offended and I am not perfect (see #7), it is inevitable that someone will have hurt feelings.
  11. I will not make a woman cry because of my insensitivity or disrespect. I only want to see tears of joy.
  12. I will not buy into the notion of entitlement. While no one gets anywhere in life without help, I will continue to work for what I get. At the same time I will not allow pride to prevent someone from helping me.
  13. I will fight for the underdog and defend the weak.
  14. I will eventually think of more than 14 "I Wills" but for tonight, 14 is a start. And yes I recognize that #3 is an "I'll" instead of an "I will" but I chose not to correct it-putting #7 into effect.
  15. I will willingly accept blame to maintain a friendship (even a family friend) even when I am right.
  16. I will be more accountable for my actions and become a greater steward.
  17. I will define who I am. The world will not!
  18. I will do my part to bring the return of traditional family and American values.
  19. I will cease making excuses; whether to myself or to others. Enough said.
  20. I will stop using the word "hate." I probably will still use it unintentionally, but instead of "hate" I will use "dislike" or the equivalent. Yes, they all pretty much mean the same thing, but they sound less negative. There is too much hate in the world today.
  21. I will never be apologetic for my beliefs. I love my religion so I live my religion.
  22. I will express my love to those most dear to me and I will do so even when not apologizing. In addition, I will tack on the "I" to the "love you" thereby creating the far unused "I love you." 
  23. I will recognize my talents and I will not be afraid to share them.
  24. I will strive to become a Master Man. I want to stand apart from the rest of the pack.
  25. I will look for opportunities to help, to serve, to be more Christ-like. 
  26. I will . . . I will not say, "Whatever." Seriously. Show something once in a while. That sound of indifference, to me and in me, comes off as lazy. Maybe it isn't a big deal, but I think from now on in "whatever" situations, I'll find something else to say. At the very least I just won't say, "Whatever."
  27. I will . . .

Be Good!

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